

安眠药的厂商们可能不大乐意听到这个消息:美国医药协会一份新研究报告说,一个为期六周的心理治疗对失眠的治疗效果要胜于安眠药。在心理治疗中,特别是心理行为疗法,确实能通过影响失眠中的睡眠因素,来达到治疗失眠的效果,这是加拿大Charles M. Morin博士的调查结果。事实证明认知行为疗法、放松疗法能有效改善初期失眠症状以及由疾病造成的失眠,甚至是精神性疾病造成的失眠。-psytopic.com


这项最新的研究由加拿大魁北克拉瓦勒大学Charles M. Morin 博士对37例从1998年至2004年公开发表的治疗报告进行调查,共包括病人 2246人,其中2029人完成了治疗。







Therapy is Effective for Insomnia

new study confirms that psychological and behavioral therapies produce reliable changes in several sleep parameters of insomniacs, and are an effective treatment for insomnia.

The latest study, conducted by Charles M. Morin, PhD, of Universite Laval in Quebec, Canada, focused on 37 treatment studies – enrolled by a total of 2,246 patients, 2,029 of which completed treatment – published between 1998 and 2004.

Therapy is Effective for Insomnia Participants of the study were 18 years of age and older who suffered from insomnia and had at least one treatment of either psychological or behavioral therapy. Subjects kept a one-to-two-week diary for the duration of treatment and for an additional one-to-two-week period at post treatment and follow-ups.

The results consistently showed that treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and relaxation conditions were effective for primary insomnia, as well as insomnia associated with some medical conditions and, to a lesser extent, with psychiatric conditions.

Treatment benefits are well sustained over time. There is still limited evidence, however, of clinically meaningful changes beyond the reduction of insomnia symptoms, such as improved daytime functioning or quality of life.

"Although behavioral interventions are not very well known and infrequently used in medical practice, the current findings clearly show that they are an effective method for treating a prevalent and costly health problem, and should be used as a first-line treatment for chronic insomnia," said Morin.

Source:American Academy of Sleep Medicine

来源:American Academy of Sleep Medicine

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